BT/Fiber cable/2025 Bhutan Telecom Ltd Contract Awarded

Procurement Category: Goods

Dzongkhag/Location: Thimphu

Goods/Services/Work Type: Retail Trade/Hardware/Electricals

Procurement Method: Open Tendering

Annual Procurement Plan: 2025

Bidding Process: Single Stage Bidding - Single Envelope

Contact Details:

Status: Contract Awarded

Bidding Details

Submission Date: December 31 2024, 11:00 AM

Opening Date: December 31 2024, 02:00 PM

Prebid Date: None

Prebid Place: None

Earnest Money Deposit Details

EMD Type: Percent

EMD Value: 2.0%

Evaluation Details

Financial Evaluation: 100%

Agency Documents

Sl Document Link
1 Drawing 02 Download
2 Drawing 03 Download
3 Drawings Download
4 Integrity Pact Document Download
5 RFP Download
6 Drawings Download
7 Drawings Download
Document Prerequisites For Participation

Sl Document
1 Catalogue/DataSheet
2 Integrity Pact Document
3 OEM Certificate
4 Tax Clearance
5 Trade License
Tender Items(BOQ/BOM)

Sl Item Code Item Name,
Additional Description/Specifications
UoM Qty
1 Anti-rodent ADSS Fiber Cable
2 FA00133 Anti rodent ADSS FIBER CABLE 6 CORE SINGLE MODE G625D, KM 20.0
3 FA00134 Anti Rodent ADSS FIBER CABLE 12 CORE SINGLE MODE G625D, KM 25.0
4 FA00416 Anti Rodent ADSS Fiber cable 24 core Single Mode G625D, KM 37.0
5 FA00136 Anti Rodent ADSS FIBERCABLE 48 CORE SINGLE MODE G625D, KM 33.0
6 FA01013 Anti Rodent ADSS Fiber cable 96 core single mode G625D, KM 18.0
7 FA01173 Anti-Rodent ADSS Fiber cable 144 core single mode G625D, KM 2.0
8 Anti-Rodent Fiber Aerial Cable
9 FA00140 Anti Rodent Fiber Aerial Cable 12C SM Fig8 G0.652D steel self-supporting, KM 8.0
10 FA00139 Anti Rodent Fiber Aerial Cable 24C SM Fig8 G0.652D steel self-supporting, KM 12.0
11 Fiber Cable UG
12 FA00143 Fiber Cable UG Armored 24C, KM 6.0
13 FA00142 Fiber Cable UG Armored 48C, KM 14.0
14 FA00141 Fiber Cable UG Armored 96C, KM 4.0
15 Drop Cable
16 FA01235 Fiber Cable Non-Metallic-4 Core ( Drop Cable), KM 82.0
17 FA00148 Fiber Cable Armoured-4 Core ( Drop Cable), KM 54.0
18 FA00147 Fiber Cable Non-Metallic-6 Core ( Drop Cable), KM 126.0
19 FA01175 Fiber Cable Armoured-2 Core (Drop Cable), KM 36.0
20 FA01176 Fiber Cable Non-Metallic-12 Core (Drop Cable), KM 20.0
21 FA01236 4 Core with Steel support(Drop cable), KM 31.0
22 FA01237 6 Core with Steel support(Drop cable), KM 19.0
23 FA01238 8 Core with Steel support(Drop cable), KM 8.0
Amendment Details

Sl ID Date Details Remarks
1 TAM24120009 December 19 2024, 10:40 AM Notification changed from None to None Fig-8_optical_fiber_cable vendor queries: As per clause no 3.2 double armouring is mentioned whereas in cross section single armour is shown, Kindly confirm if we have to provide quote with single or double armouring. BT clarification: It is double sheath (inner & outer), with steel armoured in between two sheaths. Fig-8_optical_fiber_cable vendor queries: We shall propose 7 * 1.2 mm galvanized steel wire , Kindly confirm if this is acceptable BT clarification: Messagner wire diameter should be 7*1.3mm. Evaluation team will reject if it's less than aforementioned diamension. Fig-8_optical_fiber_cable vendor queries: As per cross section 7 element design is shown, whereas as per clause no 3.3 , According to Loose Tube OD and FRP Diameter , it looks like it is 6 element design. Kindly confirm on the same. BT clarification: It should not be a problem. It has been used since last few years, and didn't face any problem. If you wish to change, you can opt for Element 8 as well. Fig-8_optical_fiber_cable Vendor queries:ECCS Tape armouring shall be provided with thickness of 0.14 mm. BT clarification: ECCS not accepted. Steel wrapping is recommanded with 1mm UG_Armored_optic_fiber_cable vendor queries: Kindly confirm whether 6 or 8 element construction is required As the Loose tube & steel rod diameter and cross section are contradicting BT clarification: It should not be a problem. It has been used since last few years, and didn't face any problem. If you wish to change, you can opt for Element 8 as well. UG_Armored_optic_fiber_cable Vendor queries:ECCS Tape armouring shall be provided with thickness of 0.14 mm. BT clarification: ECCS not accepted. Steel wrapping is recommanded with 1mm ADSS_fiber_cable Vendor queries: Flat FRP size provided is with 3.0 x 1.0 mm, Can we provide it with 3.0 x 0.7 mm BT clarification: Strict to what is mentioned in BT's specification ADSS_fiber_cable Vendor queries: For 12,24,48F Cable Diameter provided is with 17.5 mm with tolerance of +/- 0.2 mm, as the cable diameter is bigger, can we provide it with +/- (1.0) mm BT clarification: It's acceptable with +/- (1.0)mm ADSS_fiber_cable vendor queries: For 144F, FRP Upcoating size 3.4mm is provided instead of 5.4 mm for 12 Element Design. Can we consider our 5.4 mm upcoated size? BT clarification: CSM/FRP is fine with 3.4mm, if you increased to 5.4mm diameter of cable will increase. ADSS_fiber_cable Vendor queries: For 144F,Cable Diameter provided is with 20.5 mm with tolerance of +/- 0.2 mm, as the cable diameter is bigger, can we provide it with +/- (1.0) mm BT clarification: It's fine with tolerance of +/-(1.0)mm
2 TAM24120017 December 24 2024, 09:39 AM Notification changed from None to None Uploaded the datasheet for dropcable