Resurfacing of the Internal Road & Parking and Interior Painting of Building I & II, TTPL Thimphu TechPark Limited Being processed

Procurement Category: Civil

Dzongkhag/Location: Thimphu

Goods/Services/Work Type: CON-W1-Roads and Bridges (Small)

Procurement Method: Open Tendering

Annual Procurement Plan: 2025

Bidding Process: Single Stage Bidding - Single Envelope

Contact Details: Procuring Agency Address Dy. Admin Manager, HR, Admin & Procurement Division, TTPL Contact No: 17878869 Address for Communication Kezang Dorji Jr. Engineer Contact No: 17625812 Email ID:

Status: Being processed

Bidding Details

Submission Date: March 25 2025, 03:40 PM

Opening Date: March 25 2025, 03:30 PM

Prebid Date: None

Prebid Place: None

Earnest Money Deposit Details

EMD Type: Lumpsum

EMD Value: Nu. 25,000.00/-

Evaluation Details

Financial Evaluation: 100%

Document Prerequisites For Participation

Sl Document
1 Bid Form
2 Bid Submission Form
3 CDB License
4 Integrity Pact Document
5 Tax Clearance
6 Trade License
Tender Items(BOQ/BOM)

Sl Item Code Item Name,
Additional Description/Specifications
UoM Qty
1 Resurfacing of Internal Road & Parking, TTPL
2 RW0145 Scarifying metalled (water bound) road surface disposal of rubbish up to 50m and consolidation of the aggregate received from scarifying, sq.m 1530.22
3 RW0131 Providing and laying wet mix macadam graded aggregate -base course to required degree of compaction with proper, - formation of cross fall by using well graded crushed, -aggregates premixed with OMC using suitable mixer, motor, -grader as per material gradation and a aggregates quality, -specified, cu.m 15.0
4 RW0283 Providing and applying tack coat using bitumen emulsion conforming to IS:8887,using asphalt/bitumen sprayer including preparing the surface and cleaning with road broom. On old bituminous surface (resurfacing work) @ 0.75kg/sq.m , sq.m 1530.22
5 RW0291 Providing and Laying Asphalt/Bituminous Concrete with (6 to 8%) shredded plastic to required degree of compaction based on the job mixture design approved by the supervising engineer using asphalt plant, paver, steel roller, tyre roller etc. as per material gradation and aggregate quality specified - 30mm , sq.m 1530.22
6 None Interior Painting of Building I and II, TTPL, - -
7 PT0001 Surface preparation removing by scraping, sand papering, including scratch repairs - White colour-wash,
Surface preparation removing by scraping, sand papering, including scratch and crack repairs with putty wherever required. 
sq.m 2434.76
8 PT0010 Providing & applying one coat of primers - Cement primer, sq.m 2434.76
9 PT0053 Providing and applying finishing coats - Acrylic emulsion, one coat, sq.m 2434.76
10 PT0110 Providing, preparing and applying Sumdang washable painting - Rab, sq.m 19.05
11 PT0140 Providing, preparing and applying flower natural painting for wall decoration design such as Tashitagey symbols, Tashi Zeegay, Za-Tshering, etc - Dangtshon - Rab, sq.m 91.72
12 PT0061 Providing and applying wood stains, varnishes & polishes - Synthetic varnish (clear) - one coat, on old work,
Providing and applying wood stains, varnishes & polishes after necessary surface preparation like sanding and crack repairs with putty wherever required.
sq.m 449.92
Amendment Details

Sl ID Date Details Remarks
1 TAM25030015 March 25 2025, 02:53 PM Submission Date changed from 2025-03-25 15:00:00 to 2025-03-25 15:30:00 Amendment issued on submission due to technical issue
2 TAM25030016 March 25 2025, 03:32 PM Submission Date changed from 2025-03-25 15:30:00 to 2025-03-25 15:40:00 Amendment