Roof & wall painting of offices building and Residential Colony at Phuentsholing Bhutan Telecom Ltd Live Participate

Procurement Category: Civil

Dzongkhag/Location: Chukha

Goods/Services/Work Type: CON-W2-Traditional Bhutanese Painting/Finishing (REGISTERED)

Procurement Method: Open Tendering

Annual Procurement Plan: 2025

Bidding Process: Single Stage Bidding - Single Envelope

Contact Details: Mr. Khem Raj Ghalley 17151425

Status: Live

Bidding Details

Submission Date: April 01 2025, 12:00 PM

Opening Date: April 01 2025, 02:00 PM

Prebid Date: None

Prebid Place: None

Earnest Money Deposit Details

EMD Type: Lumpsum

EMD Value: Nu. 31,600.00/-

Evaluation Details

Financial Evaluation: 100%

Agency Documents

Sl Document Link
1 Bid Form Download
2 Integrity Pact Document Download
3 RFP Download
Document Prerequisites For Participation

Sl Document
10 Bid Form
19 CDB License
53 Integrity Pact Document
67 Tax Clearances
90 Trade License
Tender Items(BOQ/BOM)

Sl Item Code Item Name,
Additional Description/Specifications
UoM Qty
1 Roof and wall painting of office building and Residential Colony
2 PT0002 Surface preparation removing by scraping, sand papering, including scratch repairs and minor leakage - of roof CGI sheet, sq.m 7009.75
3 PT0014 Providing & applying one coat of primers - Red lead primer-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 7009.75
4 PT0051 Providing and applying finishing coats - Green corrugal, ready mixed, on G.I. sheets two coat on work-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 7009.75
5 PT0002 Surface preparation removing by scraping, sand papering, including scratch repairs with plastering making base smooth and even - Dry oil bound distemper of three storey wall, sq.m 1411.7
6 PT0010 Providing & applying one coat of primers - Cement primer-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 1411.7
7 PL0125 Providing & applying putty of thickness 2mm or more over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete., sq.m 911.7
8 PT0053 Providing and applying finishing coats - exterior emulsion paints , two coat in new work-ASIAN PAINTS exterior, sq.m 2202.45
9 PT0041 Providing and applying exterior finishing coats - Dry distemper, one coat on old work-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 2589.95
10 PT0090 Providing, preparing and applying Sumdang painting (Not washable)- Rab, sq.m 266.4
11 PT0002 Surface preparation removing by scraping, sand papering, including scratch repairs - of metal, sq.m 403.2
12 PT0011 Providing & applying one coat of primers - Metal work - synthetic red oxide primer-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 403.2
13 PT0048 Providing and applying finishing coats - High gloss synthetic enamel for steel , two coats on new work-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 403.2
14 PT0013 Providing & applying one coat of primers - Wood work - white primer-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 288.5
15 PT0048 Providing and applying finishing coats - High gloss synthetic enamelfor steel work, two coats on new work-ASIAN PAINTS, sq.m 435.5
16 WW0131 Providing & fixing Plywood lining with necessary nails etc. including beading complete (excluding cost of frame) - 4mm teak, sq.m 45.0
17 PT0054 Providing and applying finishing coats - Aluminium paint, one coat on old work, sq.m 241.7
18 PL0075 Providing & laying cement plaster, finished with floating coat of neat cement - 20mm plaster in C.M 1:4, sq.m 35.0