Resurfacing of staff colony parking & Construction of septic tank at Paro Bhutan Telecom Ltd Contract Awarded

Procurement Category: Civil

Dzongkhag/Location: Paro

Goods/Services/Work Type: CON-W4-Power and Telecommunications Works (Small)

Procurement Method: Open Tendering

Annual Procurement Plan: 2025

Bidding Process: Single Stage Bidding - Single Envelope

Contact Details: Pema Wangdi (Mr.) Civil Engineering Section, Western Region, BTL. Tel: +975 2 343434 Ext. 4027 | Mob: +975 17141880| Bhutan Telecom Ltd: |

Status: Contract Awarded

Bidding Details

Submission Date: February 05 2025, 12:00 PM

Opening Date: February 05 2025, 02:30 PM

Prebid Date: None

Prebid Place: None

Earnest Money Deposit Details

EMD Type: Lumpsum

EMD Value: Nu. 25,000.00/-

Evaluation Details

Financial Evaluation: 100%

Agency Documents

Sl Document Link
1 Bid Form Download
2 Integrity Pact Document Download
3 RFP Download
4 Drawings Download
Document Prerequisites For Participation

Sl Document
7 Bid Form
16 CDB License
44 Integrity Pact Document
56 Tax Clearance
76 Trade License
Tender Items(BOQ/BOM)

Sl Item Code Item Name,
Additional Description/Specifications
UoM Qty
1 Resurfarcing of parking road at Taju Colony
2 RW0145 Scarifying metalled (water bound) road surface disposal of rubbish up to 50m and consolidation of the aggregate received from scarifying, sq.m 726.3
3 RW0283 Providing and applying tack coat using bitumen emulsion conforming to IS:8887,using asphalt/bitumen sprayer including preparing the surface and cleaning with road broom. On old bituminous surface (resurfacing work) @ 0.75kg/sq.m , sq.m 726.3
4 RW0142 Providing and Laying Asphalt/Bituminous Concrete to required degree of compaction based on the job mixture design approved by the supervising engineer using asphalt plant, paver, steel roller, tyre roller etc. as per material gradation and aggregate quality specified. 40mm , sq.m 726.3
5 RW0132 Providing and Laying Dense Bituminous Macadam ( DBM) to required degree of compaction based on mixture design ( job mix formula) approved by the supervising engineer including preparation of surface with road broom, application of prime coat @ 0.75 kg/sq.m by mechanized method using asphalt plant, paver, steel roller, tyre roller etc. complete - 50mm, sq.m 726.3
6 RW0158 Providing seal coat of premixed sand with bitumen emulsion - Using 5.3 kg of emulsion and 0.045 cu.m coarse sand per 10 sq.m of road surface complete, sq.m 726.3
7 None septic tank & Soak pit at Taju Colony, - -
8 PO0622 Constructing Septic Tanks, in 2nd class brick masonry in cement mortar 1:4, including fittings, C.I cover with frame, 40mm thick concrete flooring (40mm aggregates) cement plaster concrete base in C.C 1:4:8 etc. complete as per standard design - 50 users. work should include complete fixing of waste pipe from building to septic tank...inclusive of dismantling and sealing of PCC complete , each 1.0
9 PO0600 Constructing Soak Pit - Size 1200x1200x1200mm, filled with brick bats including 100mm SW drain pipe X 1200mm long, each 1.0
10 SM0005 Providing & laying Random Rubble Masonry with hard stone in foundation & plinth - In cement mortar 1:4, cu.m 15.0